Five Benefits of Joining a Custom Home Construction Builder Club

For many years, custom home design and construction companies have fully embraced and now desire to join a builders club. The club typically connects up to 20 builders across the United States. By meeting in person biannually and extending exchanges outside of those meetings throughout the year, these companies are able to recognize and assess their own abilities or weaknesses.


C&C Partners is a part of the American Custom Builders Council, and we absolutely love it! Here are the top five benefits we see by being a member for the past 25 years.

Non-Competitive Markets

Given that all the club members are usually from different states, being in the same or adjacent competitive territories would be slim to none. This allows for the most transparent and informative discussions between members to take place.

This unique opportunity explores the systems and operations of another company that is similar in size, with similar goals and objectives in mind, all while not being a local competitor.

Industry Best Practices

Different regions, varying weather patterns, vast exposure to specific manufacturers, being an expert on a particular product or installation, the list goes on – the members of a Builder Club become a resource for each other.

Let’s say a client in California asked us to build them a home in the mountains where it snows. One of the first things we would do is call up a member in Idaho, New York or Boston and ask for the best practices for building a home in the snow, what might be the desired heated driveway application and much more.

Business Growth and Networking

There are typically two types of people in our membership group: members with a lot of experience in an industry topic and those who want to learn more about it. Luckily, this is the beauty of networking with our members. The topics discussed could range from fiscal operations, employee conducts, clients, contracts or even self-reflection as a leader.

Whatever the topic, members want to see you be successful in both your business and your life, and if one member could offer some form of advice, then the member with the concern has gained new applicable knowledge.

Home Tours

Now this one is just pure fun! In our group, we like to kick off our biannual meetings with a grand tour of the host’s most recently completed homes. It is always a pleasure to see the different architectural styles and varying materials applied and gain some inspiration for our own projects.

There have been many instances where we will be walking around one of the homes, and Patrick will snap a photo of a detail he saw, show the team and suggest ways to implement these details in our next project.

Lifelong Friendships

Our time together is valuable, and we appreciate and respect what everyone has to offer. Through this club, we are fortunate to make new friends and pass those memories and relationships along to new club members, especially those that are second and third-generation!

At C&C Partners, we value our club members’ expertise and apply it to your custom home experience. Our all-inclusive design/build firm will ensure the process flows smoothly from concept to final construction. We’ll make your custom home-building experience exceptional. Contact us online today or call us at (310) 322-0803 and tell us how we can service your needs.